Willy's Apple Balsamic Vinegar 500ml
Willy's Apple Balsamic Vinegar 500ml
Live Mother from 300-Year Old Orchards. 100% RAW, ORGANIC & SUSTAINABLE. Fermented & rested in French Oak casks.
This tasty balsamic vinegar brings dishes to life, is a kitchen must-have and another way to get a daily dose of wellness. They ferment their original live apple balsamic vinegar, made from over 48 wild apple varieties, and then age it in oak casks until the correct depth of flavour is achieved.
Use it like a normal balsamic vinegar, as a condiment with cooked or cured meats, drizzled over fresh fruits and even ice cream or other desserts—or even sip from a tiny shot glass.
Additional Information
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Apple Juice Must
These summary details have been prepared for information purposes only. While we have taken care in preparing this summary and believe it is accurate, it is not a substitute for reading the product packaging and label prior to use, especially for specific allergy information. Provenance Grocer is unable to accept liability for any incorrect information. If you require specific advice, please contact our team prior to order.
Nutritional Information
Nutritional Values per 100ml:
Energy: 953kj / 224kcal
Fat: 0.1g, Saturates <0.1g
Carbohydrate: 54g
Sugars: 40.3g
Protein: 0.2g
Salt: 0.02g
These summary details have been prepared for information purposes only. While we have taken care in preparing this summary and believe it is accurate, it is not a substitute for reading the product packaging and label prior to use.
Pack Information
500ml of Balsamic in a Glass Bottle
Great Taste Awards 2021, 3 Star
Great Taste Awards 2021, "Golden Fork" Winner